This one was a baby stealer, and we stopped it from taking Miryea once and then moved out to a decrepit barn house in the middle of nowhere, and tried to make sure we could protect the baby because this one had legitimate reality bending powers. Would turn the rooms into MC Esher style spaces and all shorts of other weird shit. It eventually came for us though and it played me so hard. I remember Koah followed someone upstairs the the loft/attic and we were using him to alert us to the entity and I guess it got wise to the plan because he changed the attic so it was large enough that they couldn't get out and then shape shifted into my dog and I looked down and koah was on one side of the bed growling at another Koah who was sleeping. And when I realized what was happening, I looked over and the baby was gone. And the sleeping Koah gave me a grotesque smile and disappeared
This dream seems to be reflecting feelings of fear, vulnerability, and the desire to protect something important in your life. The presence of the baby stealer with reality bending powers could symbolize a fear of losing control or something precious to you. The decrepit barn house in the middle of nowhere could represent isolation or feeling cut off from support or resources.
The changing rooms into MC Escher-style spaces and other weird phenomena may signify a sense of confusion and disorientation in dealing with a difficult situation. And the entity playing you and outsmarting your attempts to protect the baby could indicate feelings of powerlessness or being overwhelmed by a formidable challenge.
The scene with Koah and the shape-shifting entity taking the baby could suggest feelings of betrayal or being deceived by someone or something close to you. The grotesque smile of the shape-shifting Koah could represent a sense of malevolence or malicious intent.
Overall, this dream may be reflecting subconscious anxieties about losing something important to you, feelings of vulnerability, and struggles to maintain control in challenging situations. It may be helpful to reflect on any current stressors or fears in your waking life that could be influencing this dream.